Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Why It’s Here

My mother wanted a “blog” for Mother’s Day, of all things. I told her I would get her some actual gifts, but she still really wanted a blog.
This morning, I helped her create a simple blog. This is going to be my blog. Oh, joy! It is named after a nickname for my cat, who is named Patsy after the Monty Python and the Holy Grail character.
Pasty is currently at war with the Local Junior High School Marching Band. So far, the band is winning. They march up the street, Patsy runs away, and then they stop in front of the house to perform several numbers before marching off. Patsy is currently really stressed about it, as demonstrated by all the screaming, yowling, and ripping out of butt fur (his, not mine).
The LJHSMB has had my mother reminiscing about her experiences as a Forced Clarinet Player (she wanted to play the drums instead). Before we made the blog, I showed her an old Eddie Izzard clip. She seemed to enjoy it, because it was “true.”
I’m going to use this to help her make a link.
This is a link, Mom.
Sexy Tunes

This is an embedded link, Mom.
It’s kind of like a link, but you don’t need to leave the blog page. Some people like this better than just a plain link because the reader stays on your page.

Let’s say I want you to see your favorite meditation video, but I don’t want you to leave my blog. If a new window opens, you’ll get confused. I can just have the video play on the page instead.

You can also put pictures on your page. Here is an example.
This is the picture I thought you’d like.
And here is the marching band.
I hope you have fun with your blog.